print macro msg
lea dx,msg
mov ah,09h
int 21h
.model small
.stack 100h
msg1 db 10,13,'Press 1 to increase and 0 to decrease
the size of cursor (only 4 sizes, initially minimum) $' msg2 db 10,13,'Press 8,2,4 and 6 to move the cursor
up,down,left and right respectively $' msg3 db 10,13,'Press ENTER to finish $' .code main proc mov ax,@data mov ds,ax mov cl,8 mov ch,8 ;clear screen mov ah,0 mov al,03 int 10h print msg1 print msg2 print msg3 loop1:; wait key press: xor ax, ax int 16h cmp al,0dh je exit cmp al,31h je incr cmp al,30h je decr cmp al,38h je up cmp al,32h je down cmp al,36h je right cmp al,34h jne loop1 call getcursor dec dl call putcursor jmp loop1 up: call getcursor dec dh call putcursor jmp loop1 down:call getcursor inc dh call putcursor jmp loop1 right:call getcursor inc dl call putcursor jmp loop1 decr:cmp ch,08 je loop1 rol ch,1 call chgcursor jmp loop1 incr:cmp ch,01 je loop1 ror ch,1 call chgcursor jmp loop1 exit:mov ah,4ch int 21h main endp chgcursor proc ;change cursor size mov ah, 1 int 10h ret chgcursor endp getcursor proc ;get cursor position and size mov ah,03h int 10h ret getcursor endp putcursor proc ;show the cursor mov ah,02h int 10h ret putcursor endp end
the size of cursor (only 4 sizes, initially minimum) $' msg2 db 10,13,'Press 8,2,4 and 6 to move the cursor
up,down,left and right respectively $' msg3 db 10,13,'Press ENTER to finish $' .code main proc mov ax,@data mov ds,ax mov cl,8 mov ch,8 ;clear screen mov ah,0 mov al,03 int 10h print msg1 print msg2 print msg3 loop1:; wait key press: xor ax, ax int 16h cmp al,0dh je exit cmp al,31h je incr cmp al,30h je decr cmp al,38h je up cmp al,32h je down cmp al,36h je right cmp al,34h jne loop1 call getcursor dec dl call putcursor jmp loop1 up: call getcursor dec dh call putcursor jmp loop1 down:call getcursor inc dh call putcursor jmp loop1 right:call getcursor inc dl call putcursor jmp loop1 decr:cmp ch,08 je loop1 rol ch,1 call chgcursor jmp loop1 incr:cmp ch,01 je loop1 ror ch,1 call chgcursor jmp loop1 exit:mov ah,4ch int 21h main endp chgcursor proc ;change cursor size mov ah, 1 int 10h ret chgcursor endp getcursor proc ;get cursor position and size mov ah,03h int 10h ret getcursor endp putcursor proc ;show the cursor mov ah,02h int 10h ret putcursor endp end